In August 2015, when I made first tests with my new Red Pitaya I wasn't very satisfied with the measurement results deliverd by the RP. The given maximum bandwidth for triangle and square wave forms wasn't really achievable because the signals measured on PC with the RP scope app as well as on my analog/digital storage scope Philips PM 3250 were seriously distorted.
A couple of month later I verified and modified the test setup:
- Coax cable: Shame on me, I used 75Ω instead of 50Ω cables. The cables are now swapped against new SMA cable.
- The 100Mbit/s switch connecting PC and RP probably was not boosting the performance of the data collection coming back from the RP. Thus I implemented a 1GBit/s switch variant. That was planned anyhow.
- Red Pitaya published an update of their scope/signal generator application, which I installed and used for my second test round.
With these improvements I retested the capability of the RP to produce square and triangle waves up to 10 MHz.
The result: Much, much better this time. The Red Dragonfruit made an excellent impression.
Square waves:
Square waves are looking good. The title of the picture indicates type and frequency.
Triangle waves;
Looking good as well. The title of the picture indicates type and frequency.
Frequency tests
The precision and stability of the frequencies generated by the Red Pitaya I measured as well.(10.000.000 Hz and 12.345.678 Hz). Result: extreme stable and precise - fantastic. Only 2 Hz difference between RP and my Leader Frequency Measurement device. Spot on!
Summary: The Red Pitaya keeps his promises!